naturalistic decision making造句


  1. His research interests include situation awareness, task analysis, cognitive work analysis, human error, socio-technical systems, naturalistic decision making and human reactions in emergencies.
  2. Gary A . Klein ( born February 5, 1944 in New York, NY ) is a research psychologist famous for his work in pioneering the field of naturalistic decision making.
  3. The third phase began in 1978 when he founded his own R & D company, Klein Associates, to study a range of topics that are now described as the Naturalistic Decision Making framework.
  4. "' Gary Klein "'( born February 5, 1944 in New York City, U . S . ) is a research psychologist famous for pioneering in the field of naturalistic decision making.
  5. :If I Google " Gary Klein " the first result I get is Wikipedia's entry Gary A . Klein, which Google helpfully previews as; " Gary Klein ( born February 5, 1944 in New York City, New York, U . S . ) is a research psychologist famous for pioneering in the field of naturalistic decision making . " The second result is Wikipedia's disambiguation page for the name, which helpfully also lists the songwriter and the bicycle inventor.
  6. It's difficult to find naturalistic decision making in a sentence. 用naturalistic decision making造句挺难的


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